Sunday, September 12, 2010

Spring Fever

Our third Ladyfood was convened yesterday and all present were in accordance with Monday's manfoodies that the flash-cooked squid was a revelation. I found limes at the market (where they grow them in Dunedin I don't know) and the taste was zingy and fresh: as much as I love lemon, fresh lime juice is hard to beat. There was sufficient for use in the cucumber and pineapple salad - summer in a bowl and a great match for the satay. The ladies bravely tried the ground, dry-roasted shrimp sprinkled over the top, but I don't think there were any converts there; I will certainly wait until I bring out the belacan!! Guys will get to try this themselves at Thursday's class along with beef rendang and nasi lemak.

September is shaping up to be full of busyness with this week in particular especially packed: Manfood on Thursday, Ladyfood and Tonicfood on Saturday, First Holy Communion (no not mine) and a Wo/Manfood on Sunday. Methinks I'll be very restrained on Saturday eve - it's not a good look to be the dodgy, hungover aunty amongst a cloud of 7 year olds in veils and white dresses thinking unsinful thoughts and receiving the divine host for the first time. No Weizenbock for me, oh well, maybe just a wee smidgeon...

If you're anything like me (and I think I may just be alone in this one), you'll already be thinking about Christmas. Yes, I know, we haven't even had Labour Weekend yet but those who know me will find festive tunes sneaking into my humming repertoire and will recognise full-flown Xmas fever come December when I am fuelled by nothing but bubbly and I morph into a manic, antipodean version of Nigella and Martha Stewart (minus the billionaire hubby and criminal conviction respectively). Anyway, where this is going is that a Manfood/Ladyfood session is a great idea for a pre-Christmas celebration and manaprons/ladyaprons make good pressies for the foodie in your life. Book now, there are fewer free weekends left than you think.

Thought of the week simmering away: private dining parties. Elaboration later cherubs. Enjoy the sun while it lasts, I'll believe that spring is really here when i get my first fix of asparagus - seasonal food at its absolute best. Catch you all later, I'll be the frazzled looking one with dishpan hands serving out spiced figs and sausage at Tonic on Saturday whilst taking surreptitious slurps of a good beer, in moderation of course.

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