Monday, August 2, 2010

Thursdays and Fridays and Mondays...

There has been a whole lot of manfooding going on in Norfolk St recently. Monkfish in Tamarind Broth, Chinese BBQ pork, Siu Mai (steamed pork and shrimp dumplings) have all been on the menu. The dumplings were extra tasty although I doubt the range of weird and wonderful shapes created by the MFM will see the inside of a bamboo steamer in a yum char restaurant...

I remain a little surprised at those manfoodies who have lived their lives to date without being exposed to the delights of sago! We did a chilled version mixed with creme fraiche and spooned over guavas, super quick and easy. Just wait until I bring out the tapioca, mmm.

Manfood will be welcoming its first Ladyfood on Saturday afternoon. Ladies will be enjoying Assam Laksa and Black Rice; luckily for us bubbly goes with anything. I'm looking forward to a great afternoon with nary a scone, cupcake or lamington in sight.

I now have Monday and Thursday slots for manfood, more men are always welcome so pester your friends into coming along, they might actually enjoy it. Go on, make a man-date!

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